2021 PAC Annual General Meeting (via Zoom) - 7 pm
Dear McKinney Families
The McKinney PAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held via zoom on June 3rd at 7 pm. We invite all of the McKinney families to join us at the AGM when we will sum up the year and start to prepare for the next year with the election of a new PAC executive. The link to join is at the bottom of this email.
The PAC is run entirely by volunteer parents and guardians of students at McKinney. We encourage anyone interested in volunteering to contact mckinneypac@gmail.com for more information. There is opportunity to help in executive roles (chair, secretary, treasurer) as well as for food days, translation and event planning.
Finally, there is still time to participate in the PAC survey which can be found here: https://forms.gle/AvQHn29UDACxX8uV7
The replies to the survey will help to guide planning for the next academic year. Please fill in the survey by May 28.
Best wishes,
McKinney PAC
Thursday, December 2, 2021