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McKinney School Story: A Collaborative Journey


The staff at McKinney have collaborated and worked on the school story in several different ways this year:

The School Story Committee

  • Leadership and Guidance: The School Story Committee has provided leadership for our actions. They brought these actions to staff meetings to help the staff understand, give feedback, and engage in the process.

Staff Meeting School Story Time

  • Engagement and Feedback: During staff meetings, we dedicated time to discuss the school story. This allowed for comprehensive understanding and valuable input from all staff members.

Lunch and Learns

  • Main Avenue for Professional Learning: Lunch and Learns have been the primary way we engaged in the new professional learning of the school story spiral. These sessions have been instrumental in fostering our collective growth.

Key Actions and Focus Areas

1. Reflection:

  • Exploring Reflective Frameworks and Practices: How can we use frameworks to scaffold productive student reflections? 

2. Collect Data:

  • School-wide Reflective Frameworks and 1-to-1 Walk and Talks: We used Lunch and Learns to understand reflective frameworks better. The committee reviewed these frameworks and came up with exemplars that could be easily used for school-wide reflection. These exemplars were then brought to staff meetings for review and feedback.

As a result, staff members were supported in using a variety of reflective frameworks in order to prepare for school-wide student reflections on Big Ideas.


Updated: Wednesday, July 10, 2024