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School-wide Student Reflections of their Learning (Big Ideas)


To check our progress on our School Story Focus, we have engaged in a school-wide collection of students' reflective frameworks. Teachers have provided a reflective framework to their classes and asked students to reflect on their understanding of a Big Idea from the provincial curriculum.

Below are some samples of teh student reflections that have been collected:

Division 4 - Grade 5/6

Big Idea: Media sources can both positively and negatively affect how we view the world.












Division 6 - Grade 4/5

Big Idea: Earth materials changes as they move through the rock cycle and can be used as natural resources.


Division 16 - Kindergarten/Grade1

Big Idea: Daily and seasonal changes affect all living things.


Division 8 - Grade 3/4

Big Idea: Fractions and decimals are types of numbers that represent amounts.



Division 1 - Grade 6/7

Big Idea: How can language and text be a source of creativity and joy?


Division 15 - Kindergarten and Grade 1

Big Idea: Plants and animals have observable features.



Division 11 - Grade 2/3

Big Idea: Language and story can be a source of creativity and joy.



Updated: Wednesday, July 10, 2024