Sense of Belonging
We used the spirals of inquiry scanning questions to survey students in 4 divisions. We wanted to make sure that students could identify at least two people at school who they knew believed in them and that they trusted. We also wanted to know what students already knew about our SOAR acronym and what SEL strategies and tools they felt they already had. Another question we asked students was around their sense of belonging at McKinney.
We want every single child to feel like they belong here.

We have some work to do in order to get to 100%
Some of the actions we are taking/going to take to get there:
- leadership opportunities
- sports teams and clubs
- buddy lessons (making connections to students in other classes)
- bringing in culturally responsive SEL
- fostering a sense of students' identity by acknowledging and learning about important dates on the Richmond School District's REDI calendar
- focusing on acceptance and respect in our SOAR acronym
- staff learning with inclusion and racial equity consultant, Destine Lord
Wednesday, January 22, 2025