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Collecting Evidence on our students' SEL knowledge

scanning as part of the spiral of inquiryUsing the Spiral of Inquiry as our guide for our school story, we are beginning with a SCAN and asking "What is going on for our learners?"

In order to learn where are students are in their understanding of the SOAR acronym and SEL strategies, our SEL committee planned several ways to scan students and gather data.  We read a picture book in library called The Boy with Big, Big Emotions to all our K-5 classes and recorded student responses to our questions about the book. We will consolidate and examine the responses and then do something similar at the end of the year to see if answers have become more sophisticated and indicative of students learning more about self-regulation and embracing SOAR language and philosophy.  

The SEL committee has also planned a written survey for the students in the older grades to track their responses too. 

Updated: Monday, December 9, 2024